How to Peel a Peach Easily making the peel slide off leaving a beautiful, smooth peach. Use for freezing, canning, cobbler and pie recipes, jams, and more!

Several years ago, I attended the Palisade Peach Festival in Palisade, Colorado. We walked around eating our Palisade peach cobbler with peach ice cream. I have been hooked on peaches ever since. When the end of July rolls around, I start getting excited about peach season! Last year (2020) was a crappy year in general for many people, but a freeze came through in early spring destroying most of the peach crops. So this year, I will be stocking up on delicious juicy peaches to make up for lost time.
Below is a guide on the best way to easily peel peaches, plus two alternative methods. It is a pretty simple process of boiling peaches and then plunging them into an ice bath. This shocks the skin making it peel right off. Leaving you with a perfectly round, smooth peach with no fuzzy, thick skin.
How to Easily Peel a Peach

- Fill a pot of water so it will completely cover the peaches. Bring water to a rolling boil over medium-high heat.
- Using a slotted spoon, lower peaches in one at a time. Boil for 60 seconds.
- Spoon them out and immediately place them in an ice bath. Let peaches cool completely for 1-2 minutes before removing them.
- Remove peaches and peel using your hands. Peels should come off easily. Use your fingernail or a paring knife to start the peeling process if necessary.
This is my favorite method and the method I recommend. This method only works with ripe peaches. I tried it on peaches that were too firm and it did not work.

How to Peel a Peach Quickly
How to Peel a Peach with a Knife

Using a paring knife, you can quickly peel a peach. Start at the top and run your knife down in strips. Try to peel mostly the skin if possible. This works best with a more firm peach.
Can you Peel a Peach with a Peeler?

You can peel a peach fast using a vegetable peeler. This works better with a more firm peach.

How Long do I Boil a Peach to Peel it?
You only need to boil the peach for 60 seconds. You don’t want to cook the peach but just blanch it then dip it in an ice bath to loosen the skin.
Uses for your Peeled Peaches
- Use in cobblers, crisps, and pies
- Smoothies and ice cream
- Canning and jams
- Freeze for later use
- Baby food puree
Do you Need to Peel Peaches for Pie?
It is not necessary to peel peaches for pie, but many recipes do use peeled peaches. It does change the texture of your pie if you leave the peels on.
Easiest Way to Peel Peaches for Freezing
Any of the three methods mentioned above will work for freezing peaches. Peel, slice, and place on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Freeze until firm. Transfer to a zip-top or vacuum seal bag and freeze to use later.

Can you eat the Skin of a Peach?
You can absolutely eat the skin of a peach. The skin is thick and fuzzy so not everyone likes the taste and texture.
Storing Peeled Peaches
Peeled peaches tend to brown quickly. If storing them for later use, you will want to freeze them. You can freeze the peaches whole or slice them. If using soon, you can try soaking peaches in lemon juice and water to help prevent browning and refrigerate until ready to use.
Peach Buying Guide
Awe sweet summertime! You bite into a tender, ripe peach. The sweetness hits your lips then the sticky juice runs down your hand. There is nothing better. But first, it all starts with picking the perfect peach.

Pick the perfect peach! How to tell when a peach is ripe:
- Buying: in season (toward the end of summer) and buying locally if available. Farmer’s markets and roadside stands are great places to purchase peaches.
- Looks: look for bruising as peaches bruise easily.
- Feel: the fruit should be slightly soft when touched (sometimes they need a couple more days to ripen on the counter).
- Smell: the fruit should have a sweet smell.
- Color: the peach should not have any green. This means it needed more time to ripen on the tree.
- Shape: a peach becomes round as it ripens.
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Peach Recipes

How to Peel a Peach Easily
- large pot
- slotted spoon
- large bowl
- fresh ripe peaches
Ice Bath
- cold water and ice
- Fill a pot of water enough so it will completely cover the peaches. Bring water to a rolling boil over medium-high heat.To a large bowl, add ice and water for the ice bath place near the pot of water. Using a slotted spoon, lower peaches into the water one at a time.Boil for 60 seconds. Spoon peaches out and immediately place them in the ice bath. Let peaches cool completely 1-2 minutes before removing.Remove peaches and peel using your hands. Peels should come off easily. Use your finger nail or a paring knif to pierce the skin in order to start peeling the peach if needed.
- Use immediately or freeze for later use.
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